
Saturday 4 April 2020

L1 Close Viewing Unit - Ai  - SLIDE 101 -

How does tone work in Film ?

What else can we call Tone in film ? Brightness.

What are the 3 main elements of Tone ? Lighting, Exposure, and Art Direction.

How and why does Coppola use tone in the classic film "The Godfather"? The Godfather used exposure to manipulate brightness to tell the story.

How can directors control the feelings of the scene ? The directors can control the feelings of the scene by controlling the brightness.  - SLIDE 100 

How is contrast used in film ?

What are the ways directors can contrast in film ? Contrast in Tone, Contrast in Art Direction, Contrast in Blocking, Contrast in Camera Movements, and Contrast in Color.

What is contrasted in Spike Jonze's ad ? The ad is pure contrast from the beggining to the end. He starts contrasting the brightness with a place lacking colour,he then contrasts the art direction this time with the clothing people were wearing,they were all dark shades, dark subway, and dark streets.The contrast of the art direction changes as the character takes off her dark jacket revealing a white shirt.And where she lives reveals more about the character. The color inside her.As the contrast of lighting increases we can see her face more clearly and the space too. The ad finally reveals the contrast of blocking and how the character is breaking free from it.The visuals from then on were attention grabbing.

Why did he contrast these things ? He contrasted all these elements to show the characters life and how she breaks free from it by using her apple home pod. ( the purpose of the ad was to promote the device) - SLIDE 106

How does the insert shot work in film ?

What is an insert shot ? An insert shot is an isolated shot that focusses on a specific detail with in a scene.

What is purpose of an insert shot ? The purpose of this shot is to make sure the viewer notices something specific in the scene.

What are the 3 main aspects of the insert shot ? Compostion, Color, and Timing. 

What 3 things help the audience feel about the insert shot ? Shot Size, Shot Angle, and Camera Movement.

Composition of the insert shot helps with what in the film ? Different types of Camera shots, a character's emotion, and a mood of a scene.

Color in the insert shot helps with what in the film ? Use basic colors to draw attention to specific points in your insert shots.

How long you dwell on a insert shot shows what  How long you dwell and how you cut from insert shots will change its meaining. - SLIDE 109

How does the over-the-shoulder shot work ?

What is the effect of an over-the-shoulder shot ? To connect characters.

What film aspect shows a disconnection between characters ? Single shots.

How does the director of this scene show the disconnection between characters ? The director no longer uses the mid close up shot and the over the shoulder shot which symbolises the connection, instead the director uses a single close up showing the disconnection between the characters.

What eventually totally isolates the female character ? The close up framing. - SLIDE 108

How is the Dutch angle used ?

The dutch angle does what ? It informs the viewers about something unsettling.

What is a dutch angle ? A dutch angle is a shot that has tilt on the cameras x-axis.

Who and when created the dutch angle ? The German's in the 1900s.

What 3 things do directors need to consider for the dutch angle ? Identify, Consider, and Enhance.

What 4 things can enhance a dutch angle ? Degree of Tilt, Camera Height, Lens Choice, and Depth of Field. - SLIDE 102

How does production design work in film ?

What is production design? Production design is the overall look of the production.

What makes up the production design ? Feelings, externalizing the internal state of a character, and Subtext.

What are the 3 main things in production design can help reveal ? Mood, Character, and Themes. - SLIDE 103

How does film blocking work in film ?

What are the 3 ways directors using blocking in film ? Space, Shapes, and Lines.

What are the 3 basic shapes for film blocking ? Circles, Squares and Triangles.

What are the emotions associated with these shapes ? Circles feel safer and more inclusive, Squares create limited space, and Triangles are sharp and aggressive.

What 2 things can blocking help with ? Subtext and Contrast. - SLIDE 107

How do visual motifs work in film ?

What is a Motif ? A motif is any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story.

Why are they important ? They are important because they make a story operate in more then one level.

What makes a great work of art ? You can comeback to something over and over again and find greater depth to its meaning. - SLIDE 105

How does colour work in film ?

How does colour in film affect people ? Colours elicit emotions, and have a psychological effect on people. 

What are the 3 factors in determining colour ? Hue, Saturation, and Brightness.

Why is the Hue on "The Matrix" mostly green ? The movie takes place in a digital Matrix, and we associate green with code.

Why do some films desaturate ? The colour is drained out in the images, it gives the world of the movie a cold, rude, and gritty sort of look. It is mostly used to reminisce. 

What can brightness and lack of brightness show in film ? Bright images often seem lively and exciting, and darker images often seem more dramatic.

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